Labels:text | menu | yellow | screenshot OCR: The IEEE 802.3z Standard for Media Limitations 1,000BasesX 62.5 160 1,000BaseSX 2 to 220 MM 62.5 200 2 to 275 ** 1,000BaseSX MM 400 2 to 500 3,0008 seSX 50 500 1,000BaseLX 2 to 550 *** MM 62.5 2 to 550 1,000BaseLX MM 1,000BaseLX to 550 MN 50 500 2 to 550 1.000Basetx N/A 2 to 5,000 She Seigle Ifade Fiber *Tre Ti4 568 building woning standard seebites 161/500 Mil Jon moltimode fiber #Atthe nemabonar iserteconsol building wwiing standard specifics 208/500 Mhz jir 50-micron moshmose fiber. When proposed for accluon to 150/IEC 11801.